Talland Tower & Bell Ringers

The 55′ Bell Tower stands in an unusual detached position the base being cut into the solid rock of the hillside and may well be part of the 13th Century Church. There is a light peal of six bells, two new bells being added to the original four during 1914, the Tenor being 7 3/4 cwt. Just three valid peals have been recorded with Felstead on the 26th November 1969 (Doubles 6 methods), 26th December 1983 (Plain Bob Minor) & 26th July 2014 to commemorate the 100 years of the major works of 1914.
Talland Bellringers
With a growing interest locally in learning to ring bells the Talland Bellringers are growing in experience and confidence. We continue to work closely with local towers drawing on their expertise to ring for special occasions. We are always pleased to see anyone who would like to learn to ring bells. Call Viv on Looe (01503) 262457.
2011 Works

On the 7th February 2011 the second bell was removed from the tower and transported to Nicholson Engineering in Bridport. The original fixed clapper is being replaced with a new one attached to the bell through the hole at the top. The old clapper has served the ringers well for over 200 years. The remaining five clappers were removed and used as a cast for a new set.
Thursday 19th May 2011 saw the 2nd Bell replaced and the remedial bell chamber work complete.
Other Works

With the 2nd Bell & the clappers taken out of the tower it has given us an opportunity to give the tower a real Spring clean and have painted the headstocks, wood preserved the wheels and generally cleaned the Bell Chamber in readiness for the return of the 2nd.
May 24th 2011
On 24th May 2011 the first practice since the completion of works. The bells rang well and the new ropes were given their first “stretch”.
Commemorative Peal 23rd August 2016

COOKS MATE BERTRAM PRESTON VAGUE was a Ringer at Talland and mentioned in an entry in the Talland Ringers Handbook in 1911. He was a casualty of the Great War, died on 23rd of August 1916 and is one of the Commonwealth War Graves located at Talland Church. 100 years after his death, on 23rd August 2016, the local band Adrian Bell, Stuart Haywood, Viv Tregellas & Andrew J C Brown rang a special peal of 100 changes in commemoration. At the time Bertram was ringing at Talland there would have been four bells so the peal was rung on just those four.